Wow guys, I just had the longest, most tiring, but ridiculously entertaining weekend... in a real long time. I reconnected with some friends and for sure feel like I strengthened some relationships, which I try to work on every moment possible anyways. I've burned alot of bridges in my past, and I feel like I may spend the rest of my life trying to fix them all, if that is even possible.
I sit here in my room, the tips of my fingers are in total pain because of my new guitar and the strings are just destroying my hands, and have been for the last week since I got the thing. My family is down stairs watching tv, you know that box that feeds you information and entertainment all day long. Full of advertisements of shitty companies getting you to buy their shitty ass products. OH AXE DEODORANT, SHIT WILL MAKE YOU HAVE 500 GIRLs ON YOU, when you go to the store. Haha, bullshit. Axe is the nastiest smelling spray around, it's only $7.00 a can and the only reason I ever bought it and used it was for a emergency air freshener after I had been smoking weed in my room, and didn't want my mom to find out (which she never did). Anyways I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hate about 95% of the crap played on the tv, and think it's pretty much just all brainwash material, to be specific MTV's reality shows. Life really isn't like what they play on their shows, in so many ways it's really not, but I won't get specific on which shows.
Just got a call from manton. Random calls from friends are always legit. >V
Anyways I wrecked havoc this weekend. It was like 10:00pm at night and we were going to rent a momo, shady I know, but I was just along for the ride, and I wasn't paying anyways and we had a gang of beer, so I figured why not? We pull into the the momo parking lot, and what do you know... fucking party going off on the top floor. So we park the car and all get out, by this time most of us have had a few beers in us and I could tell that my friends were buzzin just as much as I was. So naturally I grab the beer and cruise upstairs, not a few moments later and everyone is right on my tail following behind. I walk right into the middle of the party and start mingling with anyone I can just to make everyone comfortable with everyone I'm with, definatly didn't want to cause any tension even though we would have probably taken out anyone at this party at the drop of a dime (meaning we had about 7 guys just ready to fuck shit up lol). Really were just that cool.
STK they call the crew, and they were terrorizing the joint all night. We've been in the momo for a while now and I don't even know how much time has passed, I look around in a drunkard daze and stop my self for a second just to observe all my friends and everyone else. Everyones laughing and enjoying themselves, I see people with there girlfriends close to them, and I see guys sitting on each other's laps. I was really confused by the later part but non-the-less I figured I should get back to my friends and the laughs that we were yet to have.
Next thing I know Joe is running out of the other room, "bro, someone pissed all over the bed." He says semi-loud with a drunken stupor about him. "what the fuck..." I think to my self, how immature to destory the property of this motel that's just trying to make some money, living the American dream. But you know what I was drunk too so that thought quickly left me. Time passes and I find myself in the room with the urine covered bed and I see ash all over the tables, beer bottles, toilet paper, and Ketner pouring his bottle full of piss into the cieling light in the middle of the room.
The bottle of pee is pourned in, and next thing I hear is the sound of a bunch of drunks hootin' and hollaring "OOHHHH" because the light burned out from the liquid. There's no way that light burned out from that, I turn around and find the light switch, flip it on, and the lights go back on. Some sneaky fucker turned off the lights and tricked everyone in the room. Who it was, I'll never know, not that it even really matters. Ok, so there's piss in the light and the room is pretty much fucked as it is, oh wait there piss coming in the window. Literally, piss is flooding in the window, the cuirtans are pulled so I can't see who it is, but I heard the unmistakable 5150 laugh of no one other than lawrence... only he would do something so foolish. I mean seriously who pisses through a window into a room. haha.
OK so now the room is obviously fucked, what else could happen. I see someone running, and then he jumps onto the bed. Holy shit he's flying in the air, he looks like Michael Jordan going for the slam, BOOM the cieling light shatters into a thousand pieces. Are you fucking kidding me? That was the single most fucked up but most awsome thing I've seen in a long time. That was about the end of it, after that everyone pretty much left the room, but only because there was really nothing left to destroy but maybe the T.V., and I think most people had enough respect to at least not completely annihlate that too.
Long story short the night ends with a lighbulb in the microwave from some asians that finally were catching onto the apocalytrend. I make it home to bed safely. I wake up sometime in the late afternoon, my head throbbing and my eyes heavy. My finger aches and my arm is sore, I feel like I got punched in the arm a dozen times and my finger is still bleeding. I think to my self "what the hell happened last night". My sister comes in a while later ask's me if I want to go to the horse races with her, "No thank you, I think I need to take it easy today" I grumble.
That night was insane, one I will probably remember for a long time. I wish I could consolidate my writing more, but I guess I'll just have to work on that with time.
The next night is alittle more relaxed, but just as enthralling. Rocco, Ketner, and myself pull into the Del Taco parking lot. We all notice right away, like holy shit there's a car full of girls... and were the only other guys in the parking lot.
These girls are staring us down like we did something. But we didn't we just pulled in to the parking place. Ket runs inside to use the bathroom while Rocco and I sit back and play eye tag with these girls. It's so obvious they are staring at us, but we wern't avoiding eye contact with them all that well either. Next thing I know there's a car full of girls next to us, talking to Rocco and I. Ket comes outside, and I think he almost shat a brick. I think he really couldn't believe what he was seeing.
These girls were all really calm, but I couldn't believe they had the 'balls' to come up and instigate a conversation with us, I think I was in more disbelief than anything. We find out these girls went to Newport Harbor, and were really just looking for something or on there way to a movie, I'm still not sure what there goal really was. But regardless we ended up hanging out with them the entire night, and actually had a pretty good time, from driving around aimlessly rattling the whole neighbor hood with Ketners subs, to drinking beer in a men's bathroom at some random club house pool in the middle of Corona Del Mar somewhere.
I'm yawning and feeling sleepy, but I really want to say there was this one brunette that really caught my attention that night. She was extremely sincere and cute, all the while being suprisingly funny for someone her age, which I don't come by often, like AT all. Oh yea she swallowed like 3 packs of hot sauce, when I couldn't barely take a few drops.... she showed me up, I was actually a bit embarassed for it. Vivian if your read this, you rock :]
anyways, I'm fucking exhausted from this weekend. Time to catch some shut eye... hope I wasn't to boring. Next time I really wont try to write as much, lol.
Oh yea ket, that using that fire extinguisher was soooo not cool man, watch out for FBI. xD

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