I created my own blog, obviously. But now I can finally start writing down my thoughts, not that I don't already. But I actually have a safe place on the internet for it. I'd like to say my blog will be interesting in the least, but somehow I feel that may not be plausible.
Let's just start out with saying thank you, if you take the time to read about my life. I love you, and we are friends. Just kidding love is a strong word, and normally would only save it for 'that special someone' but I use the term loosely.
So in a blog you write about life and well, what ever I want so here it goes.
Working on Christmas Eve and Christmas isn't always the most joyous situation to behold, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do (so cliche, but true). I made some not so smart decisions in my past and some things that I really, really regret. But I'm learning from those mistakes, and will continue to do so all the way till this July. Working community service for the next 1,500 hours. Yes I typed that correctly. I'm learning my lesson, and going to try to stay away from the legal system to the best of my ability, bluntly said but I don't want to go back to jail, ever. So for now, my only escape is in my writing.
Enough of the bullshit, I'm sure I began to bore you with the legal/personal talk. But I do have some good stories that happen often, working with criminals doing the comm. serv. that is.
Monday this CST (correctional service technician) that I've known since I started and has always been a bit of a deuchbag gave me an entertaining few hours. I'm minding my own business cleaning the windows in the lobby around all the deputies, Ruiz is the CST's name BTW and he calls me over to where he is, telling me to put my stuff down. He asks me what's in my pocket, and I tell him nothing. He ends up having the deputy search me and of course, find nothing. OK, so he thought I had something in my pocket, oh well. But no he's not done with me, he asks me to go and sit down to have a talk with me.
I sit down and he tells me how I've been lackidazical the last week or so and how the other deputies agree with me. This guy is full of it and I can see right through his bullshit, I know the deputies never said anything about me, and he's just saying this to get the upper hand; a phsycotic liar if you will. I know he's bullshitting because I haven't even seen Ruiz in over 2 weeks, and the deputies don't give a fuck, they really don't. He's just a wanna be deputy, and couldn't pass the test because he's colorblind from what I found out by talking to him earlier in the work program. OK, I understand he's bitter about his job and life, but it's fucking Christmas in 3 days and he's being a fucking scrooge, it all started in the morning with people coming in 2 minutes late. His ego is larger than mount fuckwad from what I can tell.
Anyways long story short, I'm pushing a cleaning supply cart (funny I know) out of the gym, and the rest of the crew about 10 other people are waiting for me to get through the door with Ruiz holding it open waiting for me. This was all after the pat down this morning. Well, I push the cart through the door and over the bump and the dirty grimey dust mop falls right in his fucking face, and it gets all in his mouth because he starts to spit violently. By this time everyone is chuckling to them selves and the other white kid makes a comment, didn't we just mop up the piss in the bathroom with that. HAHAH I SHIT YOU NOT. This mop so fucking dirty and old and covered with nasty ass hair and who knows what else.
OMG he was so pissed at me, but he clearly could tell it wasn't on purpose. He brushed him self off and cursed at me for the next 10 minutes. Even told me that he hopes lightning strikes me down. LOL LIGHTING.
Man I really guess what goes around comes around. Karma? What's cool is he actually ended up letting us go 20 minutes early that day, and that never happens. I think he had a change of heart after that, and he didn't give me anymore shit after that for the rest of the day. I think he was embarassed.
OK, time to shower and get ready for bed. I gotta get back at it tomorrow, Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas-eve

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