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20 January, 2009

Get these thoughts out my head

These thoughts have been repeatedly playing through my head many times today. I didn't know at first why I was thinking these things, but later I started to piece together the puzzle. "We're all alive, we're all gonna die". That single statement is so powerful and says so many things.

Here today gone tomorrow as some would say, life is only so long. You have one short here on earth and we're all alive, and we're all gonna die. It's inevitable, it's entropy, to some it's unbelievable. Not being able to accept the fact that were gonna die one day is a topic that many people I think chose to avoid out of fear. I think some people just think were all gonna live for eternity, that were gonna invent some super pill that we take and then we live for ever. Doubtful? Highly. Possible? Yes. I would more be willing to believe that if we ever do have a pill like this, or something of the likes that it will just extend our lives to maybe 125-150 years of age. I don't think I would really even want to live past then, I mean our minds begin to deteriorate as we grow older, so unless we can fix that problem, as well as being able to rejuvenate our bodies because think about it, your body is going to be so old and shot out by the time you probably even get to 100. Your bones ache and your back hurts, your vision starts to go, and your smell and taste is never as good as it used to be. I'm just saying growing that old sucks.

Back to death, I think many kids just are stuck in the delusion that they will never die, many adults even. Or they know they're going to die, but they're just not going to worry about it now. Sure, I'm not saying worry about it but what I am saying is we only have one life so live it to the fullest. 

Love everything you do, and do nothing half heartedly, be what you speak, don't speak on what you be. ( borrowed from alias, I think it was, and I fucked the quote up last time so I'm doing it some justice.)

We have one shot on this earth, so hoping to be someone else won't get you anywhere. You gotta make your self, live every day to the fullest, and have faith in yourself. Because one day we're all going to be gone, how do you want to be remembered... if at all. All I know is that if I put 110% effort into everything I do every day, have to regrets for the things that I didn't do, and make the most out of everything I can die a happy man. Many people die, are going to die, and have died, not that I care about their sagas but many of them lived their lives so plain, thinking they were doing the right thing (or lack of thinking). I know I don't want to be one of those people, I'm going to be the person that went after all the girls I wanted, wasn't afraid to go after the things I wanted, and wasn't afraid to try to make money the way I wanted to make money by working the jobs I wanted. I'm also not going to be the one that held back what he had to say for fear of others, but I will try to keep these dark thoughts I have locked in my head, because no one wants to hear those.... Dark thoughts, in the terms of atmosphere. Haha my only dark thoughts are thinking how stupid someone is or how much better someone could do something... in other words negative judgments are my dark thoughts. And I believe negative judgement, when being serious is never a good thing... and that's something I've been working on lately.

Anyways, just a fuckload of mumbo jumbo, but I needed to get these fucking thoughts out of my head and on paper... you know make sense of some things. "We're all alive, we're all gonna die" Now that's a fucking scary ass thought.


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