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06 January, 2009

She's Hot and Cold

Just threw on some Lil Wayne to get my head in tune, it's been wandering all day.

I'm just gonna throw this out there but life is like a bowl of fucking spaghetti and meat balls, you try to eat the god damn spaghetti but the noodles are flapping around in your face smacking you in the cheeks, and you never really know the correct way to eat it, wondering if people are looking at you when you decide to somewhat slyly slurp that single noodle in your mouth and you always question your self about the meat balls like "should I save these meatballs for the end or like mix it up while I eat the pasta". I think that's what you call a metaphor or maybe it's an analogy... I'm not sure.

"Two words you never hear, Wayne Quit." Fuck that's so true to how I feel right now. My life is going through the most intense transformation that I could have never imagined in a billion years. Things are so out of control that I feel like I could speak for hours, but I'll save myself time as well as yours. I'm trying to find a balance, I'm not insane in fact I think I'm kinda rational (credit to Slug for that one).

Today was pretty off the wall as the days have been going lately. Alot of crazy people at my job site (by the way for those that didn't know I got switched to this deputy training academy on the tustin marine base, brand spanking new building it's super nice not to mention all the ACT 'arrest control technique' officers walking around looking like they're going to kick your ass at any given moment, but I digress) and they often times choose to bicker at each other, or talk shit on one another and just laugh like it's all good. I personally dislike at least 50% of the people at my work, but I'm stuck at this place for a while so I gotta hang tight....

Were washing cars today; cop cars; mock run away vehicles, the usual unmarked crown victorias. I'm like sitting in the car fighting with this mexican dude over the radio... I'm switching it off his mariachi music to something like some hip-hop or nirvana on KROQ or like he'll switch it back and then I'll just turn the music down. This must have gone on for a good 10 minutes like this, oh and it wasn't all with the same car, so were switching cars and doing this in every car we come through. Fucking guy, but he's probably saying the same about me.

Were allowed to drive the cars to back them up after we wash them and this is only my second day granted, so I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. There's so many people and so much going on that if you stop for even a second your going to miss something, and I'm one of those people that never try's to miss a good laugh.

The next thing I know the mexican guy, he always says "oh chit man" or "you fucking guy man" but anyways I hear the sheriff's car start and I see this guy in the drivers seat backing the car up, but he didn't just back it up he like slams on the fucking gas pedal... but the cars engine sputters and stalls for a second so he kind of just floats for a second before the engine catches and you just see his head jerk forward and the tires skid out.... was some funny ass shit I'll tell you what... Later on this guy is driving some other cars and pretty much doing fucking donuts in the parking lot on the wet pavement with these cop cars.

The day ends well, usually they keep the new guy after but for some reason he told me I was lucky and I didn't have to stay after... I think I broke the tradition, because EVERYONE was telling me I was going to have to stay after. I must just be special or rubbed this guy the right way, I dunno. Oh yea we got let out of work 1 hour and a half early. Shit was so cash.

7 more months of this stuff, I don't think I'll ever really truly enjoy going... but I'm gonna do my best to strap up and go to work as well as learn to deal with all these crazy people every day. The funny thing about my work is the one thing I hear most from these people when they make comments about someone else is, "what the fuck is this guy talking about" hahahaha And I'm always the one off to the side just putting my face to my palm and just shaking my head because I'm not really sure if I even understand most of these guys either.


Anyway my sister seems like she needs to use the computer, so I'ma bounce for now. Thanks for reading. Peace.

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