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10 March, 2012

Bloggin it

We all dream one day we kingz and queens

I don't know how connected this blog is, in fact the world connected is a mystery in itself with the internet. I heard today that there are more people on facebook, then there were people in the world 200 years ago. That took me a few moments to actually fathom the magnitude of it.

Every one tells me I'm wrong, that it isn't right and that maybe it wasn't meant to be. I don't want to give hatred, I don't want to give love. Life is love, I'm gonna do what I want and live my life free as long as I don't step on anyones toes, and the only way I know for sure how to do that without fail is through love.

I found this love, deeper in my soul. More than I can believe, more than I thought I could ever achieve. The dreams and mountain peaks flying softly in the heavenly heights. Gem of light, cast your radiance upon our souls and illuminate all that is, may the darkness disappear like that of the flesh rotting from a corpse. Graphic and gruesome in nature, living in a cold world, but I'm doin' me and I don't owe you so I'm just gonna keep going, not letting you get me down. This is your world girl tho, and I just live in it so you keep doing what you do, and I'll keep doing what I do, and together we'll make this life.

07 June, 2010

I met a girl, who I couldn't resist. She had the... strongest eyes and looks to kill...

automatically.... I knew she was the one..... because i never found one,.. that went alll the way.

and if we could go all the way,.. to a place real far.... then.. I.. might.. never come back.

being all tied up .... and tryin' to never let go,... is that feeling I get

if this was misery... then i'd,..  be o.k....... because i never found one,.. that went alll the way...

because if I could tell you now... how I felt... then you might never come back...

and already again,... I'm stARting to feel... like I'm already tied up,.. and filled with this. 

blah, pretentious nonsense?

Publish Post

24 March, 2010

Long time running


I've been out of the loop for a while, and I really want to start writing again, but I have just been so busy and tied up with other things that have been holding me back. When I used to write my blog posts, I wanted to make sure I was in the best state of mind possible.. as writing without clarity used to be an issue for me... well all that has passed now. Let's say that I have found what you would call, 'more constant clarity' :]

So I'm not worried about the way I write any more, people can judge me It doesn't matter to me anymore. If I'm dorky or weird, well that's just me and I can't help it... Plus this is MY blog. :] That doesn't mean that I don't love you if you're reading this, it just means that I'm setting my self free as a writer and writing about things I find of interest and importance.

OK, time to get off my rant and talk about real things.

I learned the true story of the Titanic yesterday and I thought it was worth sharing, because it is very interesting to say the least.

We all know what and who the Titanic was that sank in the year of 1913, the same year the Federal Reserve Act was passed that transfered the control of the money from the people into the hands of private bankers... since that time the dollar has lost 95% of it's buying power and inflation has grown out of control.

If you ever read the story of the Titan is was a book written by Morgan Robertson. The story was about a 'unsinkable' ship that was on it's maiden voyage, that sank after hitting an iceberg and only 1/3 of the people on the ship survived. Written in 1898, this book was never published until 1912 ( a year before the Titanic sank). Well, the only difference in the story is that the Titan was sailing in heavy fog, and the Titanic wasn't. Just a coincidence?

Well, the Titanic was to sail at full speed to break the trans-Atlantic speed record, and was actually intentionally rammed into an iceberg at full speed on a CLEAR night! Don't believe me? Read on.

The ironic part is that the J.P. Morgan Chase family (yes the banking family), along with the Rothschild and Rockefeller family, were going to have the FRA of 1913 signed into a bill. They invited all of their rich friends (people that were actually their enemies) and most importantly the Astor family, who were all people against the Federal Reserve Act and were going to stop it. Well they were all going on the boat together, but conveniently the Chase family CANCELED and didn't go on the ship at the last minute.

This is the plan these powerful families came up with to kill all of these people at the same time, and thus the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was successfully passed, because they had little to no opposition.

It should be noted that this is also why only the women and men were allowed on life boats, so that way all of the men would die. Also, is it another coincidence that there just happen to be NOT enough life boats for everyone? This is why people had guns on the ship to make sure that the men didn't get on the lifeboats.

The story of the Titan was released by the Illuminati as a symbolic ritual as they always do before something major happens, it's a way for them to sort of laugh in our face.

And that's the true story behind the Titanic and how the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was passed.

This was just like a series on fox about air planes flying into the WTC was aired several days before 9/11 and also why a training exercise was happening the same day as 9/11. The training exercise they were having? If planes were to fly into the WTC, how the situation would be handled....complete madness if you ask me!

Also, look at the London subway bombing, they were having a training exercise on what would happen if a bomb went off in the same subway on the same day a bomb actually went off. Do you actually believe this was all just some big crazy coincidence?

08 November, 2009

What a life

I always have the worst time starting out these posts. I never know how to start or what to say, so this is how I'll start.

Girls are so fucking awesome. I love meeting them, talking and interacting with them, and doing what humans do with each other. I love being with my friends, and living our lives together. It seems to take the edge off of what life is, and the struggles and difficulties that you go through daily. If I didn't have my friends there for me, I don't know what I would do. I'd most likely be a huge mess, or in prison/jail. Every time I'm with friends, we evolve together as a group. The thoughts that we come up with and the laughter that we endure, is the greatest thing on this earth.

No matter how cliche it sounds, and I hate being that more than anything... your friends are really what counts in this world. You are who you hang around.

A note to myself when being around women. Never tell them what a piece of shit you are, no matter what mind state you're in. I think it's better just to not talk to that cute girl that you've had your eye on at all, rather than go up to them when you've been out of your mind for the last few days, high on drugs, and trying to make them feel sorry for you or 'something'. "hey yea I relapsed on drugs, and I feel like shit right now, and I hate my self physically and spiritually, but.... do you want to go on a date?" haha funny joke. no actually that's the reality of this bullshit addiction.

I'm over writing anymore right now, not in a good state of mind... maybe I'll update this later this week.

22 October, 2009

Just a Struggle

Is life just one big struggle, to make it to the top and achieve all our greatest desires.

I haven't written a blog in a long time, my life has had some just chaos lately. I just go out of jail for the second time a few months ago. It was really horrible, and would never like to go back, ever. I feel like I've had a huge set back.

The cards are stacked against him, and sometimes hope seems like nothing but just a glimmer in the sea. Sometimes he feels like he won't ever make, but he keeps trying... trying because that's his only choice. Failure or success, there is no in between. The greatest things that he strives for, he want's nothing more that what he imagines and he won't stop until his dreams become reality.

Why does it have to be so fucking difficult. Now the stones are laid in front of you in a neat little pathway, and all you have to do is hop to each one. But those fucking stones get small and the gaps become impossible to cross, so then you have to figure out a way to make it across.

02 March, 2009


Wow, it's been a while since I've updated my blog. I wrote in my personal journal the othernight because I couldn't fall asleep and thought writing would be the only thing to get some things off my mind, and actually it helped because I don't remember much after laying down and closing my eyes.

Everyone is on my team

Those are 3 big things in life, I'm always trying to improve myself and that's what life is about, self-improvement.

If you walk into a club and start smiling at everyone you know and don't know I'm sure people arn't going to be able to help them selves but smile back. Smiling is contagious and it only sets the mood that you're playful and fun when meeting people. They think 'this guy is smiling really big, he must be happy about something' and then they proceed to want to share this laughter with you and find out why your smiling. I think it's a good tactic for getting alone with people and meeting people.

You also can't have the 'Us vs. them' mind state. So many people, especially when you go to the club or bar or really anywhere have this mind state when it's you vs. the other guys. That's a very hindering mindstate and everyone needs to escape that. You want to have the mindstate that everyone is on your team. If you think like this, then you will never be judging people or trying to fight them or anything. Along with smiling and just trying to have a genuine experience where you share laughter and happy emotions with other people is a perfect mix for life.

Everyone on our team and smiling makes for pleasure. If you can learn to just go through life with pleasure and not having a care really in the world, life would be so much easier..... it's really hot in my room (lol random I know).

But have pleasure in everything you do and never try to focus on anything to much. Get a laugh out of what you want and just try to have fun, this is such a big part of life and I wish I could just be like this all the time because then I think life would just always pretty much be fun. And when you seem like you're enjoying yourself and everything you do then other people notice that. They see that your having pleasure in what ever you're doing and they want to join in and have pleasure too. If they have pleasure and you have pleasure and you come together it forms the ultimate explosion of joyfulness.

Right now I am in a state of pleasure, even though I'm really fucking hot and my nose is bugging me I'm in pleasure.... but it's really hot, but hey ill just go outside for a min and cool down- fixes that right away.

Anyways maybe tomorrow I'll write about my club experiences from last weekend. My first time out to any bar or club!!! It was really fun even though I got blown out on a set of girls reallllly bad. But I learned alot from it, like being nice to people LOL.. maybe that's why my blog post is centered around pleasure and everyone being on your team, trust and being nice... people arn't usually out to get you. They just wanna have fun too.

OK I'm out, peace.

 Get $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

13 February, 2009

Weekends Home Alone

Parents are gone for the weekend! Actually my entire family has let all their houses for the weekend to go to the races in Havasu on Valentines day weekend. I thought about going, but since CWP ended this last week, all I wanted to do was just stay home and enjoy a nice weekend to myself. I think I really deserve it after everything I've gone through in the last 9 months or so.

CWP ended, well the first half at least and I hope that I can get the next 6 months that I have to do dropped by the judge. I have a good defence all planned out for when I go into court next time to get all this shit straightened out. It's been relaxing has hell not having to go to CWP, and I'm catching up on many hours of lost sleep. Working for the government without pay, is literally the equivalent to slave labor back in the early days of America. Although I wouldn't recommend comparing this to a black man as he will beg to differ....

I'm still working on project become a best and it's going over very nicely, I'm beginning to notice some nice results over the last month going 3-4 times a week. Actually I'm about out the door to the gym right now, but I thought my blog deserved a check up.

My future outlook right now is a bit hazy, I really don't know what the future holds. I don't know where I'll be in the next month, or even next week right now. My life is just shifting with the sands and the tides, and the only thing I can do is just go with the flow for right now. Sometimes you gotta bust outta the flow and kick some sand up, which will be me going to court... but yet I don't even know when that's going to happen. So for now, I'm just going to enjoy my super long weekend and the unknown amount of time off of slave labor that I have.

School is going well, my teacher is super mellow and the kids in class or just the same old college kids that you would expect to see at any college. I'm pissed that there is only one really good looking girl in my class and seems like a bit of a ditz, but that's a whole nother story. 

Life gets better all the time, and actually comes in waves. I sort of imagine a graph and my life is slowly increasing towards the positive end. It's up and down still, but the over all spectrum of my life is always increasing, even though it is up and down.... Like my downs now are way better than my positives ever were 6 months ago, it's kind of weird how shit like that happens.

The one thing I just want to say and it's a bit sporadic but kind of on this life topic thing. You can't give a shit what people think about you. You want to be the prize in life, and as david deangelo says it, "this is my reality and you're a guest in it". By having this reality that is only yours you let go of every one elses and not give a fuck about theirs. Your life YOUR LIFE and no body elses. You do things the way you want to do it, and how you think it should be done, do it with swagger, confidence, pride, happiness, and complete lack of caring what others think about you. 
I try not to care, but sometimes get stuck in my head thinking many negative emotions. Self-defeating thoughts. If I can stay positive all the time and not care what others think, then I feel that is truely a life worth living.