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07 January, 2009

A mortal man, lashed hands and a bleeding heart

Hate is such a powerful word, when compared to love. Like Heaven and Hell or Good and Evil. Opposites as far apart as they can get. Is it so simple to Love? Is it so difficult to Hate?

Love to Hate.
Hate to Love.

It seems to me that the most dominate word is Hate, but maybe that's just based on my perceptions and upbringing in this world. I dislike to hate, but sometimes catch my self doing it all to often. It's so simple to hate, I see it all the time. It takes nothing to hate or say something disheartening to another person. But it takes so much more to give love. When we love we actually have to give something up with in us, something that we hold onto tightly, our emotions. Our emotions are sacred, and another person being given insight into what we're truley feel can sound frightening. Emotions become unrecognizably apparent when we tell someone something somewhere, out of love. But what is it to give hate, it is a seemingly thoughtless act that spawns out of our own pride. Are we so much better than the next man, or are men all on different levels where some can barley even relate?

I see it all the time at my work, and at this new place I see it all to often. I see people putting others down, none to be reminded of their own short comings. Being hipocritical about hate is something not everyone sees. It's in every one, people hate on others but don't expect it to happen to them selves, and then get angered when it does. They never think that maybe it wouldn't happen if they wern't the ones pressing hate onto others in the first place.

I know I am guilty of these things but the least I can do is be aware of it try to improve myself and just be friendly because then maybe people might just turn a smile your way.

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